Thursday, January 22, 2009

Introducing Max

The thing about starting a blog which you may not think of at the time you're starting is that in order to produce a consistently good blog you must consistently have something good to say and time in which to say it. Recently I have found myself lacking both.

Time particularly has been hard to come by lately. Any of you who have ever brought a puppy into your home will understand, I'm sure. A few months ago I was blessed with Max, a crazy yet equably lovable large breed puppy who has managed to worm his way into my home and heart. Just as surely as I adore him, he adores me, a feeling he expresses by being constantly stuck to my side when he's not discovering new and exciting ways to destroy my every belonging. Among those belongings that have met a tragic end falling victim to Max's puppy teeth was my internet cable. It's just as well, since Max is terribly jealous of anything which takes my attention away from him so I'm actually more likely to get work (or blogging) done cozied up in a wifi enabled coffee house.

Like all of my other pets, Max seems to have no problem whatsoever with Jack spanking me. Jack says they agree I deserve it. I like to believe that they understand the subtle nuance of someone harming you and someone hurting you for pleasure. Apparently we humans understand the difference even more than you may have thought. According to new research, people experience more intense pain from the same sensation when they believe the person delivering the pain did so intentionally.

I wonder if the findings would be reversed when looking at consensual spanking. Is an errant blow, one which lands off its mark, more painful simply because it lands on more tender flesh or is the pain intensified by the belief that it was a mistake? Or to follow the original track of the study, does pain delivered for punishment hurt more than pain delivered for mutual pleasure?

Well, there are some interesting thoughts with which to (belatedly) start the new year. While I try not to make resolutions I do hope to spend more time tending to this little corner of the internet. I do hope you stick around to see the results!

- Emma (and Max)